Thursday 5 February 2009

Real life story

Today i would like to tell you a story...something that happened to my mother. I hope she won't mind. It is fascinating. Well, she has a colleague, a woman. She told my mother, recently, that when they met for the first time, my mother scared her to death. Why? Because this woman had a very good friend, who died. And the point is my mother looks EXACTLY like her (only she was blonde, my mother is a brunette). I think she thought that her friend returned from her grave, or something...Did any of you have such an experience? If so, tell me about it. It is strange and interesting.

1 comment:

  1. it is interesting... shocking, too, probably. I've never had such an experience, but I always see people who seem very familiar on the street. I have a problem with differentiating faces or perhaps I see too easily the similarities between people! And I enjoy it very much! :)
